This is a special feature in which attractive beauties wear military-patterned bikinis and show off attractive poses in different military situations such as land, sea, and air. Professional models express beauty and strength along with impressive military vehicles, ships, and aircraft. This photo book combines military elements and beauty for art and entertainment lovers. For military enthusiasts, fashion enthusiasts, and beauty seekers alike, this book explores a unique and fascinating world, and the beauty and passion come together in this gem of an art collection.
※この写真集はStable Diffusionで出力した画像に加筆、演出を加えた物です。
*All the people appearing in this photobook are illustrations generated by artificial intelligence (AI) and are not real people.
*The people appearing in this photo book are all created with the setting that they are over 20 years old.
*This photo book is an edited version of the images output using Stable Diffusion.
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