彼氏ができないのならせめてもと、小太郎が思い切って神様に筆おろしをお願いしたところ、小太郎の「ちっこいチンコ」は想像以上に高性能で……!? 彼氏ができない豆柴と神サマ狼のラブコメのはじまりはじまり♪
’I want a boyfriend! When Kotaro prayed, Kami-sama Wolf, the god of marriage, appeared in front of him! However, what Wolf told Kotaro was a shocking fact: ’You’ll never have a boyfriend. Even if he was doomed to never have a boyfriend, Kotaro wanted to at least finish his virginity, so he went out on a limb and asked Kami-sama Wolf to have sex with him for the first time. But then, Kotaro’s ’little Willy’ was more powerful than he imagined…!? It’s the beginning of a love comedy between Kotaro, who can’t get a boyfriend, and Kami-sama Wolf. (All texts in Japanese)
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