バトルブレイズ-Red side-
ダンジエンジン/司馬ゆうじ との半コラボ作品!
ブレイズレッド / 赤石知希 : 麻生修也 さん
ブレイズブルー / 青嶋勇也 : ながしま さん
イビルス研究員 : 新堂大輔 さん
機械音声 : おふとんP
English subtitled version included
A semi-collaborative work with Danzi Engine/Yuji Shiba!
This is a 33-minute full voice animation in which a hero is caught in a slime bed and indoctrinated into pleasure depravity!
Each of them describes one hero at a time, and you can see Red’s description here.
※The demo version includes a commercial that was released on Twitter (X), but please note that Blue’s description cannot be seen in this work.
Please rest assured that the main text has been translated by a native speaker.
Translator : kikikaikaito
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