Oviposition は、若い女性がある生物の卵を産み、子孫を残していくという話のノベルです。
前作、Breeding Stationの続編となっています。
238イメージ(1024 x 768)
Oviposition is a collection is short graphic stories where young woman are used by strange creatures to lay their eggs and give birth to their offspring. Two of the stories, Egg Chamber and Oviposition are a follow-up for the story Breeding Station. In Bug Control and Incubator, creepy critters take control of innocent women for reproduction purposes. Hope you enjoy them!
The graphic story contains 238 images (1024 x 768 in size).
The package includes an image gallery utility for easy navigation using your browser. Just unpack the zip file in any directory and open index.html
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