Tied Locks 日本語版&English; edition
・過去作『Chained Shackles』の続編ですが、あらすじ説明はあるのでこれだけで特に問題なく遊べます。前作にしか出てこない情報はほとんどありません。
There are Japanese and English editions included in this package.
’Tied locks English edition’ is a translation of the in-game text into elementary English by the producer.
The producer is not so good at English, so please play the trial version to decide if you want to buy it or not.
This game is in the same series as ’Chained Shackles,’ but it can be played by itself without any problems.
*This game contains many drug expressions and violent and sexually violent expressions.
6 base CG (about 20 variations)
About this game
This game is a simplified version of the old Japanese card game ’Oichokabu’.
Each time Izaki wins, one of Hishigami’s bindings can be removed.
Each time Ashimura wins, Hishigami is assaulted.
The game is set when all of Hishigami’s bindings are released or when Hishigami is mortally injured.
You can change settings such as tattoos, body hair, and difficulty level in the ’Settings’ section of the title screen.
About Oichokabu
*Use cards with a flower symbolizing each month from January to December.
*Each player takes two or three cards and adds them up.The player with the highest number in the one place wins.
(1)The dealer deals one card to himself and four cards to the table.
(2)The player chooses one of the four cards and bets on it.
(3)The dealer deals one more card to each of the players, keeping the cards face down.
(4)The player checks the numbers of the cards dealt to him or her.
(5)IIf the results of two cards are unsatisfactory, call out ’Mo-itcho’ and ask for a third card.
(6)The dealer checks his hand as well and takes another card if necessary.
(7)When both players have all their cards, they call out, ’Shobu’ and reveal their cards.
(8)The numbers of the cards are added up, and the winner is the one with the highest number of one place.
If one had November and August cards and the other had December, May and July cards,
The one place of 19 is 9 The one place of 24 is 4, so 19 stronger than 24.
In this case, the player with the November and August cards wins.
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